Postales desde el BL09

burning life 09_003 copia copia burning life 09_005 burning life 09_009 burning life 09_012

Tantos eventos por todas partes…

… y todos me los pierdo :s

No sé qué me pasa que no hay manera de que consiga asistir con regularidad a nada. Será la amenaza de lag que me echa p’atrás, o mi proverbial mala memoria (esto último mucho, pero mucho XD), o la pereza de sentirme algo aborregada.. y siempre, o casi siempre, después me tiro del moño (en SL, en RL ni hablar, al contrario, me bendigo a mí misma por manternerme  inflexiblemente y desde hace años al margen de todo lo que reúna a más de dos personas contándome a mí XD).

Pero este año nones. Este año esto sí que no se me escapa:

Ñoras, ñores.. se acerca el Burning Life’08  😉

Jareth’s Labyrinth



Un laberinto y una cacería juntos. Sólo hasta el juves 26, y aviso: el laberinto es endemoniado y, encima, acabais tal que la menda en la foto de arriba.

Esto para que os hagais una idea..

Éstas son las reglas:

FallnAngel Creations Presents:
Jareth’s Labyrinth!

Jareth has lost his balls… er…. rather.. There are 31 Crystal Balls lost in the Labyrinth 􀀀
You have to solve the Labyrinth and find the Crystal Balls before the time runs out!
Keep your eyes open, there is a lot to see and you don’t want to miss something!
(Set your region default to Midnight for the best effects!)
Anyone cheating will be BANNED -no exceptions!-
-No giving out records and/or landmarks of prize locations; No following landmarks given to you.
-No leading others through the labyrinth if you have already solved it.
-No flying over the walls, or moving through walls.
-No leading others to the prizes.
-No shouting the locations/slurls of prizes.
-No teleporting to various points in the labyrinth, you may however TP back to the front.
-We also discourage panning to find your way through.
-Do not contact us and complain about the labyrinth being difficult.. it is a maze and that is the nature of the beast.
And remember there is nothing I can do about the lag.
-If anyone is caught cheating, the locations of the prizes will be moved. To avoid confusion, please respect our rules 🙂
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Azriel Demain
FallnAngel Creations

Y éste el landmark

Suerte! Yo voy a seguir buscando bolas 😉

Navidad para todos

De todos los miles (vale, me he pasao) de actos solidarios que se pueden encontrar estos días en SL, como neko y como humana, no he podido dejar de sentirme atraida por éste, así que lo traigo aquí:

Hybrid está recogiendo fondos para el Audubon Nature Institute

Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Cover the world with flowers

Para los que no lo sepais, se organizó una subasta de las piezas de la desaparecida Ópera de Intempesta Nox…


En el grupo de Tryst recibimos esto de Sue Stonebender hace unos días:

«Baron & I are stunned & deeply grateful for the generosity shown in today’s auction. While there are still bids coming in on the last 48 lights, today’s totals allow us to make a charitable donation of $238,360.50 + Baron’s $70,500 matching donation on the dome, & an addition $3,000 in private donations. This means a total of USD$1,090.87 for the «Gardens of Hope» project feeding AIDs orphans in Lesotho, Africa! You are an incredible, generous group of people & we thank you from the bottom of our hearts ♥»

«I am pleased to share the results of the auction on the opera house lights, which will bring in a total of L$68,500. I’m contacting the winners in order of the highest bids now to offer them their choice of numbered lamp(s). The remaining lamps will be offered to Tryst members only in a private sale next week. More news coming.

Your generosity allowed us to buy 20 apple trees, a solar cooker & a room full of school supplies for the AIDs orphans in Lesotho, Africa (pronounced Le-soo-too).

Your bids & donations (which are still coming in!) will also provide Christmas dinner for a large number of people of Lesotho.

Here is a video of some of our SL friends making a recent delivery there:

Thanks to Zeke Poutine for connecting us to the «Gardens of Hope Project»

and thank YOU for giving some very special children an amazing Christmas!

— Sue.»

Grandes todos los que habeis colaborado. Y Sue y Baron un ejemplo para todos, como siempre. Gente como vosotros hace de SL un lugar digno y en el que es un honor estar 😉

Feliz Navidad a vostros también 🙂

STEP IT UP! 3 de noviembre

Are you concerned, really concerned, about global warming and the future of our planet earth? Do you want to make a difference but you don’t know how or where to start? Please join us for a day of educational presentations and music and learn how you can become part of Responsible and Innovative Leadership for a Sustainable World.

7am to 6pm PDT.

7am: Leadership for a Sustainable World, with Delia Lake and AlcheMiss Blessed.

8am: The Environmental Mind, with PlanetThoughts Raymaker

9am: Grenelle de L’Environnement, La Vie Verte, with jacmacaire Humby

10am: Sustainable Living, with WilliamThewise Goodman

11am: Energy Saving in Stockholm–How One City Improves Itself, with MuhammedYussif Wikinger (at Etopia)

12 noon: Live Music by Jaynine Scarborough

1pm: Environmental Indicators of Global Warming Change, what we know and what we need to learn, with John Galland

2pm: TBA

2:50pm: Wrap Up and transition to Party!

3pm to 6pm: Live Music and dancing on Commonwealth Island

Your Second Life inworld contact people are Delia Lake and PlanetThoughts Raymaker. or reach them on the web. Delia Lake on Facebook, and

Center for Water Studies

Etopia Eco-Village

Commonwealth Island- 4 Ecosystem Exploration and Education

Expulsados de la Plaza Roja

Anoche, a las 10, recibí un aviso del grupo Free Burma

Lee el resto de esta entrada »

Avatar Orchestra Metaverse, Opera Populaire, 6 de Octubre de 2007

Anoche recibí un aviso del grupo de Tryst

We have an innovative performance going on in the Opera House at the Intemptesta Nox sim right now. If you’d like to join us for this international collaboration with the «Avatar Orchestra Metaverse», click on the «Opera House» tab in the picks in my profile to join me :^)

See you there!
— Sue.

A ver quién es el guap@ que se queda sin ir a un evento organizado por Sue Stonebender o Baron Grayson..

Y desde luego, valió la pena

Para saber más:

Avatar Orchestra Metaverse

y aquí una pequeña muestra, esta en la PgUp exhibition, en Julio de 2007

Birmania y SL, Septiembre 2007

Image Hosted by


Gracias a Robbie Dingo por crear esta maravilla, y al Blog de SL por mostrárnosla. Muda me ha dejado.

A Second Life Machinima by Robbie Dingo.
(Duration 4’17»)

NOTA* El video original ya no está disponible, pero sí lo está éste:

«Frameless heads on nameless walls, with eyes that watch the world and can’t forget – like the strangers that you’ve met». [Don McLean].

Ever looked at your favorite painting and wished you could wander inside, to look at it from different perspectives? Spend a single day in one of mine, from early sunrise on a new day, to dusk when lights come on in cosy homes; through a peaceful night, till morning.

Shot on location in Second Life then post-produced, this was an idea I had a while ago. The Sim in this work was on temporary loan so it’s all been swept away now, leaving only the film behind. It was always intended however that the video would be the end product, not the build.

This work is dedicated to the many weird and very wonderful strangers from around the globe I have met, but have never really met.

Higher quality version is available over at my blog. Search for ‘My Digital Double Robbie’ in Google.

For more info on how this was put together, please read… over at New World Notes.